Franklin, TN Spousal Support Attorney

Assisting With Spousal Support Matters in Williamson County
If you are going through a divorce, Franklin alimony lawyer MC Davis Law can help you pursue an alimony arrangement that works for you. Regardless of whether you are seeking payment or are being required to pay, our Franklin spousal support attorneys can offer you the solid counsel and aggressive advocacy you need.
Call (615) 235-5620 or contact us online now to schedule a consultation with our dedicated alimony lawyer in Franklin.
What is Spousal Support?
Spousal support is awarded in Tennessee when one spouse has a need and the other spouse has the ability to pay. Types of alimony include: alimony in solido, alimony in futuro, rehabilitative alimony, and transitional alimony. The duration of the payments will depend on specific circumstances of each spouse.
Types of Alimony in Tennessee
In Tennessee, alimony refers to the payment that one spouse makes to the other following a divorce. The court can choose to award one of several types of alimony based on the couple’s circumstances.
A spouse may be awarded:
- Alimony in solido: Also known as “lump sum alimony,” this support option is often awarded to a spouse to compensate for uneven property distribution, such as when marital assets cannot be physically divided or if a spouse wishes to maintain ownership of a particular asset.
- Alimony in futuro: Also called periodic alimony, this payment is for those who end up with significantly fewer assets than their spouse because of separate property holdings. It is often awarded to spouses coming out of marriages that lasted 20 years or longer.
- Rehabilitative alimony: This is designed to help spouses coming out of shorter-term marriages who need support to obtain education or training to reenter the workforce.
- Transitional alimony: This is short-term financial support granted to the disadvantaged spouse so that he or she can adjust to life as a divorced, single person.
The Duration of Spousal Support in Tennessee
Currently, there is no minimum or maximum payment period for alimony in Tennessee. The duration of spousal support payments depends upon each couple’s particular situation. Ultimately, the court will determine when the payments will terminate.
Factors impacting the duration of alimony include:
- The spouses’ age and health
- The length of the marriage
- The receiving spouse’s financial need
- The contributing spouse’s ability to pay
- The fault of either spouse in the divorce
- The value of each spouse’s assets after the division of property
- The ability of the receiving spouse to be self-supporting
Seeking Alimony Modifications
If the spousal support order permits modification, either spouse can petition to have it altered if they can demonstrate a material change in circumstances. The most common changes that necessitate an alimony modification are a change in either spouse’s income or a change in relationship status.
Contact Our Spousal Support Lawyer in Franklin Today
Whether you are seeking a fair alimony settlement or wish to modify your current spousal support order, our alimony attorney in Franklin can help. Let us put our years of experience and extensive knowledge to work for you.
Contact our Franklin alimony lawyers at (615) 235-5620 today for personalized support.
"MC Davis is a native Texan who fell in love with historic Franklin and decided to relocate after raising her two amazing daughters. She is a graduate of Baylor University with a Bachelor of Science in Education. MC received her law degree from St. Mary’s University School of Law and began her legal career as an assistant district attorney in San Antonio, Texas."
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